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Thank you for considering our online interview preparation software. However, it is important to understand that while our software aims to provide assistance and guidance for interview preparation, we cannot guarantee the value of the feedback or the ability of a candidate to secure job opportunities by using our software.

Our software is designed to simulate interview scenarios, provide practice questions, and offer general tips and strategies for interview preparation. The feedback provided by the software is based on predefined criteria and algorithms, which may not fully capture the nuances and individual circumstances of each candidate.

The effectiveness of interview preparation depends on various factors, including a candidate's skills, qualifications, experience, and performance during the actual interview process. While our software can serve as a useful tool for practice and self-assessment, it should be viewed as just one component of a comprehensive interview preparation strategy.

We cannot be held responsible for any consequences, losses, or damages that may arise from using our software or relying solely on its feedback for interview preparation. Candidates should exercise their own judgment, conduct additional research, seek advice from professionals, and consider other resources to enhance their interview readiness.

If you require personalized career guidance or advice, it is recommended to consult with qualified experts, career counselors, or industry professionals who can provide tailored and up-to-date information based on your individual circumstances and goals.

By using our software, you acknowledge and agree that the ultimate success in interviews and job opportunities depends on multiple factors beyond the scope of our software, and we do not make any guarantees regarding specific outcomes or job offers.

Please carefully review our terms of service and privacy policy for further information about the limitations and disclaimers associated with the use of our software.


A Few Instructions:

  1. Go ahead and talk to Sophia just the way you talk to any other interviewer. Complete the entire conversation as you would in an interview
  2. Ask any clarifications you need and converse naturally as you would with an interviewer
  3. Most of the time, the answers you get from Sophia will be very appropriate and natural. Sometimes, it may not comprehend what you said, but go ahead and rephrase and continue the conversation. The system will come back on track
  4. Sophia is trained to do product management interviews similar in structure to FANG companies. So, go ahead and use the appropriate structure as you practice with Sophia
  5. Currently, Sophia is trained on only a few questions with a limited catalog. However, she is getting trained on many other formats of interviews with more coming soon
  6. Sophia does not yet provide evaluative feedback, but she will soon be ready to give evaluations similar in structure to how FANG companies evaluate candidates